How To Date A Vegetarian


Have you found love but share different eating habits?

For those who eat meat in their regular diet, the word ‘vegetarian’ will make some eyes roll, especially here in the south, or giggle just at the thought. I’ve heard some friends say, “I could never date a vegetarian.” I know things we aren’t familiar with can be scary but I say if you really care about someone you will work at accepting their differences.

I enjoy a plant-based diet and my boyfriend does not. I’ve had people ask me some questions about how we deal with our differences and if we have any challenges when it comes to dinnertime.

It’s really something we’ve grown accustomed to and since we are still in a long distance relationship, grocery shopping hasn’t become a part of our routine. There are definitely some things I’ve learned while in a relationship with someone who has different eating habits than me. It’s something any couple can get familiar with as long as you respect each other’s decisions and support every step of the way

  • Keep an open mind

The choice to become vegetarian, in most cases, comes from the belief we shouldn’t eat animals. That is true in my case, but I personally don’t  judge anyone who eats meat, that’s your own prerogative – do what makes you happy!

Neither of us feel pressured to change and I feel like that is one of the keys to success. Hearing my friends say things like “My husband wouldn’t have married me if I didn’t eat meat,” make me realize how blessed I am.

  • Compromise

Cooking at home hasn’t been an issue; we even have the same meals! We do simple things like cooking the meatless food before the meat in the same pan, so we don’t have to clean as many dishes.

For example: the other night Max and I wanted to make burgers for dinner. I made both of ours – his turkey patty and my black bean patty. I cooked mine first so there wasn’t an issue.

It’s that simple.

Stir-fry, salad, spaghetti, and tacos are all examples of meals that can be made and split in two so your significant other can add their meat! Order a pizza with only half meat. There are so many ways to adhere to both of your needs.

When it comes to eating out, it’s rare to find a restaurant that doesn’t have meatless options so it’s not like we have to go to a vegetarian restaurant on date night. Most vegetarians have figured out how to eat anywhere without any problem. 😉

  • No Pressure

I’m not scared to share my views on being vegetarian or why I think it’s important; I also don’t feel it’s ever right to guilt or pressure anyone. The same goes in my relationship. Max doesn’t taunt me by waving chicken nuggets in my face and I don’t look down on him for eating those chicken nuggets.

It’s just an understood thing we have with each other. We work together in making sure we’re both happy and it just works for us. I haven’t always been vegetarian, so it’s been something we’ve both had to get used to. I’d say we’re doing a pretty good job.


I hope I’ve given you some insight on this subject. It might be a little to get used to, but it’s surely possible if you try.

Have you ever dated anyone who had different eating habits than you? What’d you two do to compromise? Let me know in the comments!




Things You Should Know Before Hitting the Road.

It seems like I am ALWAYS on the road. Whether I’m going to my hometown, visiting my boyfriend, or going back to school – I always find myself in my car and, in most cases, by myself. I know my parents trust me to travel alone but they’re always relieved when I text them saying I made it to my destination safely.

But what if something happened while I’m traveling alone?

A flat tire, car accident, or dead battery can leave you scared and helpless on the side of the interstate. Everyone thinks it couldn’t happen to them, but what if it does? Will you know what to do?

My good friend Matt and I were talking the other day and he suggested I do a post on the common car maintenance and tips everyone should take into consideration before traveling.

Have the tools you might need in your car!
A flashlight, tire pressure gauge, and jumper cables are only the beginning of what you need to keep in your vehicle. Most cars come with a kit that includes a jack and tire iron.

But do you know how to use them? Ask a friend to show you the basics: how to jump off your car and how to change a tire. These are life basics everyone should know. Why don’t they teach us this in high school??

BONUS TIP: Be aware of Mother Nature: Watch out for a chance of rain or storms and snow or ice, especially in these cold months.

Is it time for a checkup?
Keeping up the maintenance of your oil every 5,000-7,000 miles. That’s very important to remember! If the car’s oil isn’t changed as often as it’s supposed to, it can damage the car, which can get super expensive!

My mom always reminds me to walk around the tires every so often, too. Sometimes you don’t hear your car run over a nail or a change in temperature can make tire pressure go down.

Fill up before you go
If there’s one thing my dad still tells me before I travel, it’s go fill my gas tank. There’s nothing scarier than stopping at a sketchy gas station at night. Or even worse, running out of gas! Don’t let that happen. It can definitely be avoided!

BONUS TIP: Check-in every step of the way: Texting a family member or friend when you leave and arrive to your destination is just good habit to keep.

GPS is your BFF
By GPS I don’t just mean your Maps app. It doesn’t take traffic into consideration and doesn’t always help you find the fastest route. Apps like Google Maps and Waze are more ideal for the long haul. Google Maps tells you which route has the most traffic and will reroute if you are about to run up on a jam. Waze is super neat! It’s more like a social media and drivers add where they see cars parked on the shoulder, trash in the road, or cops ahead.

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I hope you take these things into consideration before embarking on your next voyage.

Safe travels!






What I’m reading + My Favorite Photo Editing Apps!


I’ve made it through the first week of the spring semester! My schedule is insane. I stay busy literally 24 hours of the day, especially with work too. However, I’ve made time to go to the gym 4 days this week – big accomplishment, and eat healthy meals from home. So 2016 is looking pretty good so far?! I always feel like the start of a new year makes me feel older than if it was my birthday. Maybe it’s because of the goals I’ve set up for myself.


Click here to buy Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear


I have a lot of time in between classes that I’ve been taking advantage of with Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. I downloaded it onto my iPad and have been obsessed with it. So far in Big Magic, Gilbert talks about how easy it is to say ‘no’ and how we likely respond that way out of fear. Fear is the big word – it’ll hold us back if we let it. She also talks about how “fear is boring,” and we should be driven by creativity rather than fear. I’m not even half way through this book and have already felt inspired!

Here are some of my favorite lines I’ve highlighted so far:

“(Experience has taught me to be careful of meeting my heroes in person; it can be terribly disappointing.)”

“Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?”

“The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.”

“I finally realized fear was boring.”

“Trust me, your fear will always show up – especially when you’re trying to be inventive or innovative.”

These are just a few lines that stood out to me. I’m one of those people who can’t go through a book without a highlighter. Now onto starting the second part: Enchantment! If you’ve been reading this, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

VSCO + Lens Distortions

I’m trying to make sure school doesn’t completely rule my life so I’ve been making time for shooting too. Even just iPhone, at least I’m still trying to keep a good eye. Since I’ve been using my iPhone 6 more, apps have come in handy. I’ve bought a few, but most of them are free. Here’s a few of my go-to apps for editing pics!

Word Swag – $0.99
This app has helped me out so much with my blog posts. I paid for this app and I say it’s worth it! You choose a background, your own or a premade, then put text on the picture. I love all the options and fonts they have to offer! There are more you can buy but the ones that come unlocked give you a lot to choose from.

Diptic – $0.99
I’ve had this app for so many years; it’s how I make my collages. You can combine 2 to about 10 pictures. It comes in handy when I’m making a meme or comparison photos. What’s cool about this app is there are over 75 different layouts to choose from! You can also change the thickness and color of the borders, which is a feature I’ve used a lot too.

Boomerang – FREE
Finally, I’m talking about a free app, right? Boomerang is an app made by Instagram that creates GIFs. GIFs, as most of you know, are pictures that move over and over. They’re Instagram compatible! The boomerang app is very user friendly even though it’s crashed on me a couple times while using it the first time.

Lens Distortions – Free
This is my most recently downloaded app. It’s super cool and has some fog and light leak features I love. I haven’t tried all the features but there are quite a few and there’s a super helpful introductory video in the app.

VSCO is the app I use the most. It’s filled with so many filters that are downloadable within the app. Some cost, but you get a lot for free and sometimes they have specials where some of the paid ones are free. They make photos have more depth and look a little more professional. I’ve had this app for a couple years and have honestly bought some of the filters. It’s by far my most used photo editing app.

What’re you’re most favorite photo editing apps? I always love discovering something new to tinker with! If you’re reading a new book, I’d love to hear about it! Have a great week, guys.


In the spirit of full disclosure, this is blog post contains affiliate links, which means that I may get a commission if you decide to purchase anything from one of my Amazon links. I only recommend products that I use and love myself, so I know you’ll be in good hands.♥


4 Signs You’re Ready To Graduate College

College has been a great experience. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to further my education and follow my dreams! I’ve made friends I’ll hold dear for a lifetime and have learned life lessons I need to evolve into an….adult.

I’ve taken classes ‘for fun’ and have had professors who’ve challenged me. I wouldn’t trade one thing; however, I’m halfway though my senior year and I can’t wait to get out.


Partying has lost its luster
Sure, it’s still fun to go out, but going to a friend’s house party and seeing all the belligerent underage kids has really gotten old. You’re ready to go meet up with your gals after work at the wine bar right? (Is that what you do when you grow up?)

You can’t wait to get paid more
How does working part time for $7.25, being a full-time student, and wanting have some money after rent sound to you? You probably won’t know what that’s like until after you’ve graduated college. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to juggle everything while you’re a student. Hang in there.

The thought of paying more money to your University drains your soul
After tuition increases, books, and lab fees you’re spent. But have no fear, Universities have a specialty of nickel-and-diming you until you’re out of there. They even ask for money once you’ve graduated. *eye roll*

You can see the light at the end of the tunnel
Some like the security of college because they don’t have to know what’s next for them; that’s truer when you’re a freshman or sophomore. But once Your junior year ends, most of the time you have an idea of the things you want to accomplish and the places you want to see. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of your college career is motivation enough to wake up for that 8 o’clock class.


Don’t feel guilty about being ready to start that next chapter in your life. Four, or more, years of college is a long time and it’s almost time to continue on in life. Enjoy this time and live in these moments but we all know that little twinkle in your eye is from knowing it’s almost over.




Beauty Resolutions for 2016

I have several personal goals I’m working on this year: some are mental, others are physical (like staying in the gym), and this year I’m keeping my skin high on my list too. We care a lot about our faces and appearance, we wouldn’t spend so much time and money on it if we didn’t! Let this list be your guide to healthy skin for 2016.

Wash Your Pretty Cheeks
Washing you face before bed is vital for healthy and happy skin! My dermatologist has recommended Cetaphil products for my oily (acne prone) skin, if you use a different face wash, be sure it doesn’t contain microbeads!


Vitamin D Overload
The sun is great and keeps us happy but don’t be fooled by the cooler weather, the sun is still out and about! About 90% of aging is caused by direct sunlight damage to your face. An effortless way to apply sunscreen is with a moisturizer that contains SPF.

Stay Hydrated
A lot of people add drinking more water to their resolutions and now you have more initiative to do so! When you don’t drink enough water, your body and skin become dehydrated. So really consider drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day! I keep a filtered water pitcher in my fridge to avoid using plastic water bottles.

Clean the Brushes
Most of us use makeup every single day. If we skip out on cleaning our brushes they can collect dirt and bacteria. You definitely don’t want to rub that on your face! Once a week is ideal, but just so you keep them tidy is the main concern. I’ve discovered this cute makeup brush cleaner that should be a necessity in everyone’s makeup bag!


Your face should feel FRESH and NEW with these steps added to your daily routine. You’re only enhancing the beauty you already have!




In the spirit of full disclosure, this is blog post contains affiliate links, which means that I may get a commission if you decide to purchase anything from one of my Amazon links. I only recommend products that I use and love myself, so I know you’ll be in good hands.♥

Start 2016 with a BANG

“Cheers for a new year and another chance for us to get it right” – Oprah Winfrey

Well, here it is: January 1, 2016 – it’s a blank page on another chapter and an opportune time to begin working on something new! I always love setting up ‘resolutions’ but I try to set small goals for myself throughout the year that add up to my resolution at the end. So we’ll call them goals today. It also sounds a little less scary!

I hope this year brings you so many great opportunities, happiness, and great memories. The world is your oyster and you’ll be on the road to success with these tips!

Be specific with your goals
What’s on your list for 2016? Volunteering more? Getting healthy? Those things sound pretty vague! Using more detailed phrases can set you in the right direction to actually completing your goals.

How does “Go to the gym 3 times a week” sound instead of “Lose weight”? It’s a little less intimidating and gives you a place to start! Hey, you’re doing good just to have something to work towards so go easy on yourself!


Write them down
You might have one thing you’d like to see accomplished this year or a whole list. Either way, seeing them written down will encourage you to turn them into reality! Start the year strong. A sticky note reminder on your bathroom mirror is all you need to constantly remember what you’re working towards.

The New Year is also a great time to declutter and get organized!

Clean out the closet
Let’s face it; we all have clothes we don’t wear just sitting in our closets waiting to be worn! Why keep them when you could make a few dollars off them? One great (and free) tool is Facebook Buy, Sell, and Trade pages! Post photos of your clothes and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you get a response (really I was surprised too). If the person lives too far to meet locally, just charge a couple extra dollars for shipping. It’s so worth it!

I always like to donate the clothes I don’t sell to Goodwill or to a company that helps those less fortunate. The clothes in my closet really pile up but it’s always hard choosing which ones will be sacrificed. But on the bright side, now you’ll have to go shopping to fill up the empty closet space!


…one last thing

Grab a buddy
Checking in with a friend on your progress or documenting on a blog are two ways to help aid in your success of achieving your goal! You can help each other stay on track by asking about victories and struggles once every few days – even if it’s a long distance buddy, just call ‘em up! Everyone needs an encouraging support system.

You got this.

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Good luck and
Happy New Year!
